Welcome to the Pope John Paul II memorabilia collection. It celebrates the life of Saint John Paul II. For many years we have collected items from all over the world in an attempt to preserve the impact this great man had on the lives of so many people.
We are proud to have such a vast collection. We are mostly proud about the souvenirs of over 100 visits of John Paul II outside Italy.

The collection consists out more then 4000 (post)cards, more then 100 statues, more then 100 plates, more then 100 pinback buttons, more then 400 books and numerous other items.
Go into the menu on this site and explore this vast collection.

Worthwile to mention:
- A 1st class relic of the assasination attempt in 1981;
- A menu from aboard the papal airplane during his visit in the US in 1979;
- An authentic signature on a pen drawing, signed after his helicopter ride from Ypres to Ghent during his visit to Belgium in 1985;
- A book of liturgy used on stage during his visit to Iceland in 1989;
- A book of liturgy used on stage during his visit to the Dominican Republic in 1992;
- First class relics of the twelve Apostles and the four Evangelists, including Saint Peter, the first Pope.

The ultimate goal is to create a museum in John Paul's homeland Poland.

If you have anything at home about John Paul II (or any other Pope) which you do not see in this collection and you want to donate it, please contact us: djiepietoew@hotmail.com. We will be very grateful and we promise to give it a place in the collection.

If you want to help us financially to extend this collection or to help us start the museum, you can also contact us.

Let us show the world who this great man was and why he could change the lives of countless people all over the world!

Saint John Paul II, pray for us.